1. Sequencing DNA (or RNA) | Real-time, Ultra Long-Reads, Scalable Technology from Oxford Nanopore
Oxford Nanopore has a range of devices that offer real-time DNA or RNA sequencing. The portable MinION device, the benchtop GridION device that enables 5 MinION Flow Cells to be run on-demand, and the PromethION which offers up to 48 Flow Cells, each of which has 6x the channels of a MinION.
長度: 02:26, 發表時間 : 2017-09-15 21:49
觀看次數 : 715
Oxford Nanopore has a range of devices that offer real-time DNA or RNA sequencing. The portable MinION device, the benchtop GridION device that enables 5 MinION Flow Cells to be run on-demand, and the PromethION which offers up to 48 Flow Cells, each of which has 6x the channels of a MinION.