notBadVideo lectures unit 2 4 (通過簡單的圖紙計劃視頻的視覺流_ Shot list/storyboard: Each shot is planned before any shooting starts, which could range from simple to complex. The visual flow of the video is planned out through simple drawings.)
單元一:手殘怎麼辦 (Take Control)
Taking Control: Introduction (手殘怎麼辦_ Take Control)
notBadVideo lectures unit 1 1 (使用目前所擁有的設備製作吸睛的視頻_ Hardware: You can make a video with equipment you have. With a bit more, you can make good videos.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 1 2 (要知道你的觀眾想要什麼_ Audience: The key to a video that is not bad, is to know what your audience wants.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 1 3 (每個視頻都是一個故事_ Story: Every video needs a main point, and that is what the story does.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 1 4 (決定觀眾不要討厭的關鍵_ Length: Deciding how long your video should be is key to helping viewers not hate it.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 1 outro (重點複習_ review taking control)
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 intro (信心準備_ Preparation)
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 1 (視頻的製作從計劃開始_ Setting up: Video production is complex and needs a plan, this is where you start.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 2 (選擇視頻的類型,以便決定製作的方式_ Genres: Choose which genre your video is in so you know the shortcut messages.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 3 (腳本詳細的計劃,將會呈現在您的作品_ Script: This is the plan in detail, with the words that will be spoken.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 4 (通過簡單的圖紙計劃視頻的視覺流_ Shot list/storyboard: Each shot is planned before any shooting starts, which could range from simple to complex. The visual flow of the video is planned out through simple drawings.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 outro (重點複習_ Review Preparation)
單元三:開始行動(Setting the Stage)
notBadVideo lectures unit 3 intro (開始行動_ Setting the Stage)
notBadVideo lectures unit 3 1 (如何在視頻中觀看人物_ Shooting talent: How to video the people in your video.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 3 2 (從戶外到工作室影片的拍攝_ Location: Locations can range from outdoors to studio. Wherever you shoot, the impact on the resulting video is huge. Here we cover some basic things to pay attention to.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 3 3 (從智慧手機到專業攝像機_ Camera: A range of video cameras can give you different results. Here we look at what advantage each has, from your smartphone to a professional video camera.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 3 4 (麥克風和混音是視頻中最重要的部分_ Audio: Mics and mixing is the biggest reason for bad video. Here we look at the hardware and mixing to make this most important part of a video less bad.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 3 outro (單元複習_ Review setting the stage)
單元四:拍出點閱率(How to Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck)
notBadVideo lectures unit 4 intro (視頻拍攝介紹_ introduction shoot the video)
notBadVideo lectures unit 4 1 (焦點和框架:開始錄製_ Focus & framing: Start your recording and your frame and focus is impacting your video. In this section we look at how to control these elements.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 4 2 (射擊長度:場景由鏡頭組成,但在下一張照片之前應該有多久? _Shot length: Scenes are made up of shots, but how long should a shot be before the next shot? This section examines this question.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 4 3 (燈光:從自然採光到攝影棚照明_ Lighting: From natural lighting to studio lighting, this section covers how to get a clear shot in your production.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 4 4 (多台攝像機:從一台到多台攝相機_ Multiple cameras: Taking production up a step involves multiple cameras. This unit introduces basic lighting techniques.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 4 outro (單元複習_ Review shoot the video)
單元五:特殊項目和如何拍攝他們(Special Projects and How to Shoot Them)
notBadVideo lectures unit 5 intro (視頻項目介紹_ Introduction video projects)
notBadVideo lectures unit 5 1 (介紹學生視頻製作的全部例子,共6部影片_ Shooting: Introducing full examples of student video production, six videos in total.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 5 2 (審查兩個專注於培訓的作品,這是最常見的製作流派之一_ Training video: Reviewing two productions focused on training, one of the most common production genres.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 5 3 (回顧兩個涉及社會問題的作品_ Issue video: Reviewing two productions covering a social issue.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 5 4 (回顧兩個製作新產品的作品 - 尋找投資者_ Entrepreneur pitch video: Reviewing two productions making a pitch for a new product--looking for investors.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 5 outro (單元複習_ review video projects)
後製 (After the Shoot)
notBadVideo lectures unit 6 intro (視頻範例介紹_ Introduction review examples)
notBadVideo lectures unit 6 1 (編輯基礎知識:如何處理編輯_ 1. Editing basics: Editing seems easy, until you have to do it. Time consuming and tedious, we look at how to approach editing in this unit.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 6 2 (蒙太奇清晰度:如何以一個要點的方式將您的鏡頭整合在一起_ Montage clarity: How to cut together your shots in a way that tells your main point is covered in this section.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 6 3 (書擋:開始和結束留下重要印象_ Bookends: Starts and ends leave important impressions. Here we look at setting up these bookends.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 6 4 (音樂:學習如何選擇合法的音樂並幫助您的視頻製作_ Music: Problems of copyright are addressed in this section, where we learn how to choose music that is legal and helps your video.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 6 outro (單元重點_ Review examples )
長度: 23:07, 發表時間 : 2017-10-27 15:10
觀看次數 : 554
1. notBadVideo lectures unit 2 4
長度: 23:07, 發表時間 : 2017-10-27 15:10
觀看次數 : 554
原始資料來自 :
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 3 (腳本詳細的計劃,將會呈現在您的作品_ Script: This is the plan in detail, with the words that will be spoken.)
notBadVideo lectures unit 2 outro (重點複習_ Review Preparation)