
Using PBL (Problem Based Learning) techniques to discuss the stress and strain as well as the force and the deformation occurring in metal forming processes, so that the students can dominate the basic knowledge in metal forming technology.


W.F. Hosford, R.M. Caddell, Metal Forming Mechanics and Metallurgy,3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2007.


1      Syllabus

2      Introduction

3      Stress

4      Strain

5      Engineering VS True Stress & Strain

6      Von Mises & Tresca Criterion

7      Autonomic Learning

8      Yielding Surface & Flow Rule

9      Mid Term I

10    Strain Hardeniing

11    Work Balance

12    Slab Analysis

13    Friction Hill & Rolling

14    Upper Bound Method

15    Indentation

16    New Year

17    Project

18    Final
