這門課程我們將由基礎開始學習python程式設計 物件導向的設計概念 以及程式設計中常用的資料結構 我們將由程式設計的基礎開始學習 循序漸進地精通常用程式設計的方法 這門課程包括以下的主題: 1. Python 2. Object Oriented Proragmming 3. Complexity analysis 4. Lists, Stacks, and Queues 5. Hashtables 6. Sorting & Search 7. Recursion 8. Trees The assignments will be issued bi-weekly or tri-weekly. |
1. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python by Brad Miller and David Ranum, Luther College
2. Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
by Kenneth A. Lambert
2. Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures
by Kenneth A. Lambert