
Using PBL (Problem Based Learning) techniques to introduce traditional machining process, numerical control machines, working processes on them as well as CAD/CAM and to demonstrate the NC programming on site, so that the students can dominate the basic knowledge in NC machining.


M. Fitzpatrick, Machining and CNC Technology, 3rd International ed., McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-007-131597-5, 2013.


1      Syllabus

2      Introduction

3      Shop Working

4      Machining

5      Coordinates, Axes and Motion

6      CNC Systems

7      Autonomic Learning

8      CNC Controls

9      Mid Term I

10    Operating a CNC Machine

11    Program Planning

12    Level-One/Two Programming

13    Setting Up a CNC Machine

14    Design for CNC Manufacturing-Solid Modeling

15    CAM Mill Programming for CNC Machinists

16    New Year

17    Project

18    Final
