
() 以培養臨床獸醫師之基礎病理學知識與定義,作為診斷各種動物疾病病變之判定與病理機轉為目標。為一學年課程,上學期為總論病理學,下學期為系統病理學。使獸醫系學生連貫其低年級之基礎獸醫學與高年級之臨床獸醫學之橋樑課程。

(Eng.) This course will introduce the basic and definition of veterinary pathology for the lesion diagnosis in various animal diseases and its related mechanisms. General pathology and systematic pathology will be introduced in first and second semesters, separately. This course can be a bridge between junior and senior students in the basic and clinical veterinary medicine.
  1. 李崇道。獸醫病理學。
  2. Jones, Hunt, King, Veterinary Pathology 6th. ed.
  3. Carlton, McGavin, Thomson's Special Veterinary Pathology 4th ed.
  4. King. An atlas of Veterinary Pathology with special on swine disease Vol. 1
James F. Zachary. 2017. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease Expert Consult, 6e 6th Edition