【 教科書 】
E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiely, 2011
【 參考書籍 】
(1) 講義 (Handouts) in 2020 (See http://aecl.ee.nchu.edu.tw)
(2) D. G. Zill and W. S. Wright, Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, 8th Edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2013.
(3) P. V. O’Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 7th Edition, Thomson Learning, Inc, 2007.
【 內容綱目 】
(1) Introduction :problem formulations, modeling and Examples (9/7)
(2) First-Order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) (9/7,9/14, 9/21)
(3) Second-Order ODEs (9/21,9/28)
(4) High Order ODEs (10/5, 10/12)
(5) Systems of ODEs (I) (10/19)
(First Examination) (10/26)
(5) Systems of ODEs (II) (11/2)
(6) Series Solutions of ODEs(11/9, 11/16)
(Second Examination) (11/23)
(7) Laplace Transform and its applications to ODEs (11/30,12/7, 12/14)
(8) Fourier Analysis and Transforms (12/21, 12/28)
(Third Examination) (2021/1/4)
【 評分方式 】
(1) 作業10%
(2) 第一次考試30%
(3) 第二次考試30%
(4) 第三次考試30%
(5) 點名與課堂表現5%(額外加分)