
() 本課程將介紹有關毒性化學物質所引發動物產生病理現象及理論,包括:毒物之吸收、分佈、代謝及排出,對體內各器官所引起之細胞反應或致癌作用,實驗動物模式及病理學評估之介紹。

(Eng.) This course will introduce the mechanisms and hypothesis of toxic mechanisms, and further studies of toxicity assays, including absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in body. Finally, cellular and carcinogenic responses in animals will be discussed.

  1. The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Vol. 1~2, T. Poole Ed., Blackwell Science, 7th Edition. 1999.
  2. Handbook of Laboratory animal science, Vol.1~ P. Svendsen and J. Hau Eds, CRC Press, 1994.
  3. Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology. 2019. The Basic Science of Poisons, Klaassen, C. D. Ed., 9th ed., International Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
  4. Mann, P.C., Hardisty, J. F., and Parker, M.D. 2001. Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, Haschek, W. M., Rousseaux, C.G., and Wallig, M. A., Eds., Two-Volume Set, pp. 187-206, Elsevier Science & Technology Books.
  5. A joint publication of the RITA and NACAD groups. 2011. Revised guides for organ sampling and trimming in rats and mice –Part 1, 2, 3. Toxicologic Pathology.
  6. Yu JYL, Cheng CK, Chen BJ, Cheng MJ, Cheng HH, Chang WJ, Chen HHC, Hong CC, Lee PJ, Liang SC, Sheu KS, Sung YY, Weng CN, Tsai CW, Wang CS, Wang MH, Yen LS, Yu CK. 2005. A guideline for the care and use of laboratory animals. Published by the Chinese Society for the Laboratory Animal Science, 3rd edition, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (in Chinese).
  1. 毒物病理學介紹 (Introduction of toxicopathology)
  2. 動物房設計 (Animal house design)
  3. 動物實驗操作技術I 胃管餵食皮膚及氣管投予(Assistant techniques I)
  4. 動物實驗操作技術II 靜脈肌肉皮下注射 (Assistant techniques II)
  5. 動物試驗之血液學檢驗 (Blood examination)
  6. 動物試驗之血清生化檢驗 (Biochemistry examination)
  7. 動物組織粗修片國際標準方式I (International standardized organ trimming I)
  8. 動物組織粗修片國際標準方式II (International standardized organ trimming II)
  9. 期中考 (Mid-term examination)
  10. 動物組織粗修片國際標準方式III (International standardized organ trimming III)
  11. 動物試驗之病理切片製作及染色 (Preparation and reading of pathological slides)
  12. 動物試驗之毒性病理評估I (Toxicopathology I)
  13. 動物試驗之毒性病理評估II (Toxicopathology II)
  14. 基因毒理試驗 (Genetic toxicological assay)
  15. 動物毒理急性毒性試驗 (Acute toxicological studies in rodents)
  16. 動物毒理慢性毒性試驗 (Chronic toxicological studies in rodents)
  17. 實驗動物常見疾病 (Common diseases in laboratory animals)
  18. 期末考 (Final-term examination)