
() 利用獸醫細胞免疫學及染色體基因毒理學配合分子診斷技術,探討疾病及毒物之細胞之免疫及染色體變異分子作用機制,作為探討疾病及中毒發生,加強學生對毒物及疾病之認知,導引學生研究思考方向。

(Eng.) Techniques of cellular immunology and chromosomal aberration are used to elucidate the mechanisms of diseases and intoxication in animals. The aims of this course will provide and promote student’s logics and study conceptions in the further research.


1.Preston, R., and Hoffinann. 2006. Genetic toxicology. In: Klassenn, C.D., Ed., Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology. The Basic Science of Poisons, 6th Edition, Unit 3. p. 321-350.McGwraw-Hill, Medical Publishing Division, New York. USA.

2. Department of Health. 1999. In vitro Chromosomal Aberration Test with Mammalian Cells. In: Genotoxicity study of health foods safety and function. DOH code number: 88037803. Taipei, Taiwan.

3. Detrick . 2006. Manual of molecular & clinical laboratory immunology, 7th Ed. Elsevier.

4. Jacques Descotes. 2004. Principle and methods of immunotoxicology. V1.

5. USEPA. 1998. Mammalian Erythrocyte Micronucleus Test. In: OPPTS Harmonized Test Guidelines, Series 870.5395, EPA 712-C-98-226. 10 pp.

6. USEPA. 1998. In vitro Mammalian Chromosome Aberration Test. In: Health Effects Test Guidelines, OPPTS Harmonized Test Guidelines, Series 870.5375, EPA 712-C-98-223, p. 1-13.
  1. 免疫診斷技術 (Methods for immuno diagnosis)
  2. 細胞染色體變異之診斷技術原 (Principals for chromosomal aberration)
  3. 細胞免疫模式之應用 (Applications for cellular immunological models)
  4. 細胞染色體變異試驗操作技術 (Protocols for chromosomal aberration)
  5. 細胞免疫操作技術 (Techniques for cellular immunology)
  6. 細胞染色體變異之判讀 (Interpretation for chromosomal aberration)
  7. 細胞免疫作用機制之探討 (Mechanisms for cellular immunology)
  8. 指導研究報告之撰寫及綜合討論(Research report writing and discussion)