(1) 學習行動機器人的理論、設計與應用
(2) 學習智慧型行動機器人與應用
(3) 學習崁入式行動機器人與應用
(1) R. Siegwart, and I. R. Nourbakhsh, Introduction to Autonmous Mobile Robots, the MIT Press, 2004.
(2) R. R. Murphy, Introduction to AI Robotics, The MIT Press, 2000.
(3) T. Braunl, Embedded Robotics, Springer_Verlag , 2003.
(4) R. D. Schraft and G. Schmierer, Service Robots, A K Peters, Ltd., 2000.
(5) J. Borentein and H. R. Everett, and Liqiang Feng, Navigating Mobile Robots, A. K. Peters, Wellesley, Massachusetts, 1996..
(6) R. P. Paul, Robot Manipulators, The MIT Press,1984.
(7) R. C. Arkin, Behavior-based Robotics, The MIT Press, 1998.
(8) S. Thrun,W. Burgard, D. Fox, Probabilistic Robotics, The MIT Press, 2006.
(1) Introduction (one week)
(2) locomotion principles (one week)
(3) Kinematics and Control of Mobile Robots (two weeks)
(4) Dynamics and Control of Mobile Robots (one week)
(5) Sensing and Perception (two weeks)
(6) Mobile Robot Localization (one week)
Midterm (one week)
(7) Simultaneous Localizationd and Mapping (SLAM) (two weeks)
(6) Path Planning and Navigation (two weeks)
(7) Selected Topics: Human –Robot Interaction (HRI) systems, Task Execution Systems (mobile Manipulators), Embedded Robotics and Applications (three weeks)
(8) AI in mobile robotics ( one week)
Final examination (one week)
Student Reports and Presentations (one week)
【 評分方式 】
(1) 平時成績(作業表現) 25%
(2) 期中考試30%
(3) 期末考試35%
(4) 期末報告10%