- 循環生理學是動物生理學的主要分支學門,也是重要的生物醫學領域所需要的專業基礎課程。對於許多生科系的同學,循環生理學是一個學習心血管功能機轉課程的專業挑戰;也因此,落實課程設計提升學生學習興趣與成效是實踐該課程重要的教學目標。本教學實踐研究計畫旨在,利用改良式的翻轉教學來提升生科系學生學習”循環生理學”的興趣與成效;經由網路教學 (i.e. iLearning),先將自編的英文”循環生理學”的教材資料、事先錄製的上課影帶,上傳給學生自主學習。為了瞭解學生自我學習的效果,課程網頁上會有課前線上學習測驗。學生答題的狀況會作為課堂上授課重點的參考。課程設計,也將有10周來講授教材內容;課堂上,也將安排時間讓學生分組討論課程主題與學習重點。為了進一步測試學生學習教材內容的效果,也將利用6周的時間來讓學生複習課程內容,因此也將分組,分別由分組的同學來整理每一章節的主題內容,再做口頭報告;經由師生互動,可以讓老師知道學生對課程主題理解的程度,也可以進一步指導學生學習。課後,再由同學繳交學習報告,以及期末測驗。同學繳交的報告、課堂活動參與情形、測驗成績,將做為評估日後課程設計的參考。經由本課程的教學實踐研究計畫的推動,有效改善生科系學生學習循環生理的效果。
- Scoring: Attendance: 20%; Group review 30%; Self-learning: 20%; Final review exam online 20% Bonus: Summary of lecture notes
Lecturer: Liou, Ying-Ming (劉英明) Time: Friday, 1:00-3:00 Classroom: Room 109 (LSB)
- Pappano, AJ and Wier, WJ, Cardiovascular Physiology, Tenth ed., Elsevier by Mosby, 2013. (ISBN978-0-323-08697-4)-圖書館 (線上圖書)
- Fox, SI, Human Physiology, Chapters 13-14, 14th ed., McGraws-Hill Eduction, 2016. (ISBN: 978-0-007-783637-5)-(動物生理學教科書)
- Defining physiology: principles, themes, concepts: cardiovascular, respiratory and renal physiology. Cheng, Hwee Ming Jusof, Felicita; SpringerLink (Online service) 2018, Springer eBooks, 2018(圖書館, 在線上獲得全文)
Date |
Topics |
2020/9/11 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 1: Introduction to Cardiovascular Biology |
2020/9/18 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 2: Physical background to circulatory physiology |
2020/9/25 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 3: Hemodynamics |
2020/10/2 |
The Mid-Autumn Festival (No class) |
2020/10/9 |
Double Tenth Holiday (No class) |
2020/10/16 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 4: Cardiac Function |
2020/10/23 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 5: Regulation of Cardiac Output |
2020/10/30 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 6: Regional Blood Flow |
2020/11/8 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 7: Regulation of Blood Pressure |
2020/11/13 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 8: The Capillary |
2020/11/20 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 9: Exercise Physiology |
2020/11/27 |
Flipped Classroom lecture 10: Cardiac regenerative medicine |
2020/12/4 |
Review 1: Exercise training reverses cardiac aging phenotypes associated with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in male mice |
2020/12/11 |
Review 2: Evidence for hormonal control of heart regenerative capacity during endothermy acquisition Review 3: Molecular and Biomechanical Clues From Cardiac Tissue Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Drive Stromal Cell Plasticity |
2020/12/18 |
Review 4: Enhancing myocardial repair with CardioClusters |
2020/12/25 |
Review 5: The biological age of the heart is consistently younger than chronological age |
2021/1/8 |
Final exam online (Reviews 1~5) |