Course: Sport Biology (3257)
Class Time:15:10~17:00, Mon.; Classroom: LSB 109
Evaluation and Score:
- Attendance: 10%
- Paper reading: 10%
- Group discussion on special topic: 30%
- Online tests: 50%
Paper reading:
Das A, et al. Impairment of an Endothelial NAD+-H2S Signaling Network Is a Reversible Cause of Vascular Aging. Cell 2019;176:944-945.
About five members to participate cooperatively in presenting his/her own study information on the special topic.
1.鮑爾斯 (Powers, Scott, K.), 著.: |
運動生理學 :體適能與運動表現的理論與應用 /Scott K. Powers, Edward T. Howley原著 ; 林正常等編譯. 3. 運動生理學 = Exercise physiology / 王鶴森等編著.
Date: Topics:
3/2 Lecture 1: I Sports and health
3/9 Lecture 2: Exercise physiology
3/16 Lecture 3: Exercise metabolism
3/23 Lecture 4: Hormonal response to exercise
4/6 Lecture 5: Movement and Motor control
4/13 Lecture 6: Muscle and movement at work
4/20 Lecture 7: Molecular basis of skeletal muscle plasticity
4/27 Lecture 8: Skeletal muscle development
5/4 Online test I (Lectures 1~8)
5/11 Special topic 1:Exercise and physical fitness /
5/18 Special topic 2: Exercise and Brain health
5/25 Special topic 3: Exercise and Nutrient
6/1 Special topic 4: Exercise and cardiovascular function
6/8 Special topic 5: Exercise and Aging
6/15 Special topic 6:Exercise injury
6/22 Special topic 7: Exercise and diseases
6/29 Online test II on Special topics1~7
7/3 International Conference on Biomedical Sciences (中醫大)