

  1. Handbook of Laboratory animal science. 1994. Vol.1~2. P. Svendsen and J. Hau Eds, CRC Press.
  2. Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology. 2016. The Basic Science of Poisons, Klaassen, C. D. Ed., 8th ed., International Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
  3. Mann, P.C., Hardisty, J. F., and Parker, M.D. 2001. Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, Haschek, W. M., Rousseaux, C.G., and Wallig, M. A., Eds., Two-Volume Set,  Elsevier Science & Technology Books.
  1. 研究主題設計與規畫 (Introduction)
  2. 研究文獻資料之搜尋 (Reference searching)
  3. 實驗動物處理之技術與應用 (Assistant for laboratory animals)
  4. 實驗動物模式之研究趨勢 (Laboratory animal models)
  5. 心血管及致肝癌動物模式之技術應用 (Application for cardiovascular and hepatocarcinogenesis)
  6. 肝損傷模式之研究及應用技巧 (Liver injured model)
  7. 心血管及致肝癌之研究與趨勢 (Research trend of cardiovascular and hepatocarcinogenesis)
  8. 實驗動物學等相關文獻導讀 (References for laboratory animals)
  9. 實驗動物病理學等相關文獻導讀 (References for toxicopathology)
  10. 綜合討論 (Discussion)