  1. Withrow SJ, Vali DM. 2007. Withrow & MacEwen's small animal clinical oncology. 4th ed. Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, USA.
  2. Meuten DJ. 2017. Tumors in domestic animals. 5th. IowaStateUniversityPress, Iowa, USA.
  3. McGavin MD, Zachary JF. 2007. Pathologic basis of veterinary disease. 4th ed. Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis, USA.
  4. Jones and Hunt. 1986. Veterinary Pathology, 5th ed.
  5. Ackerman. 1996. Surgical Pathology Vol.I,II 8th ed.
  1. 外科病理與腫瘤學總論 (introduction)
  2. 皮膚與軟組織 (skin and soft tissues)
  3. 肌肉 (muscular system)
  4. 骨骼、軟骨與關節 (skeletal, bone, and joint)
  5. 淋巴與造血組織 (lymph and hematopoeitic system)
  6. 呼吸系統 (reparatory system)
  7. 消化系統 (gastrointestinal system)
  8. 肝膽胰 (liver, gall bladder, pancreas)
  9. 泌尿系統 (urinary system)
  10. 生殖與乳腺 (reproductive system)
  11. 內分泌與神經 (endocrine and nervous system)