  1. 李崇道。獸醫病理學。
  2. Jones, Hunt, King, Veterinary Pathology 6th. ed.
  3. Carlton, McGavin, Thomson's Special Veterinary Pathology 4th ed.
  4. King. An atlas of Veterinary Pathology with special on swine disease Vol. 1
  5. James F. Zachary. 2017. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease Expert Consult, 6e 6th Edition

1  獸醫病理學簡介 (introduction)

2  細胞變性(cellular degeneration)

3  細胞壞死(cellular necrosis)

4  發育異常總論/增生/肥大/萎縮/發育不全/化生 (general growth disorders and hypoplasia)

5  沉積物/色素與代謝障礙 (deposition/pigmentation and metabolic disorders)

6  輻射傷害/中毒與營養性疾病 (radiation/poisoning and nutritional diseases)

7  贅生/腫瘤總論 (anaplasia and general tumors)

8  腫瘤各論與診斷 (diagnosis of tumors)

9  期中考 (mid-term exam)

10  循環障礙總論 (general circulatory disorders)

11  循環障礙 (circulatory disorders)

12  急性炎症反應與感染症 (acute inflammatory reactions and infections)

13  感染性疾病與機制(infectious diseases and its mechanisms)

14  慢性炎症反應與修補 (chronic inflammatory responses and repairs)

15  免疫病理學 (immunopathology)

16  肌肉骨骼系統 (skeletal and muscular systems)

17  內分泌系統(endocrine system)

18  期末考 (final exam)