
課本 Campbell 10th edition


LECTUROR         Date                                Topics                                             Assigned Chap

Dr. Hsueh               2/19, 20             An Overview of Ecology                                        51

Dr. Hsueh               2/26, 27             Behavioral Ecology                                                 52

Dr. Hsueh               3/5, 6                 Populations and Life History Traits                        53

Dr. Hsueh               3/12, 13             Biodiversity and Communities                                54

Dr. Hsueh               3/19, 20             Energy Flow/Chemical Cycling in Ecosystems      55

Dr. Hsueh               3/26, 27             Conservation and Global Ecology                          56

Dr. Hsueh               4/2, 3                 Holiday (No Class)                                               

Dr. Hsueh               4/9, 10               Conservation and Global Ecology                          56

                               4/16,17              Test I                                                                      

Dr. Liou                 4/23, 24             Animal Excretory Systems                                      44

Dr. Liou                 4/30, 5/1            Animal Reproductive Systems                                45

Dr. Liou                 5/7, 8                 Development in Animals                                         46

Dr. Liou                 5/14, 15             Animal Defenses Against Infections                       47

Dr. Liou                 5/21, 22             Electrical Signals in Animals                                  48

Dr. Liou                5/28, 29             Neural Regulation in Animals                                 49

Dr. Liou                 6/4, 5                 Sensation in Animals                                               50

Dr. Liou                6/11, 12             Movement in Animals                                             50

        6/18 Final exam            