1. 張芳全(2001)。教育政策導論。台北市:五南。
3.Simon, M. Olsse, M., & Peters, M.A.(eds.)(2010). Re-reading education policies: A handbook studying the policy agenda of the 21st century. Boston, MA: Sense.
Week 1 課程說明與教育政策導論

Week 2 Book 1, Ch1教育政策新論
Book 2, Ch1.當前教育政策創新的內省與反思

Week 3 知識經濟議題
Seddon, T. (2009). Knowledge economy: Policy discourse and culture resource. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp.257-576. Boston, MA: Sense. 2. Wain, K. (2009). Lifelong learning and the learning society: Critical reflections on policy. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp.337-354. Boston, MA: Sense.

Week 4 Book 1, Ch2, Ch3. 教育政策研究與規劃

Week 5 Book 1, Ch4, Ch5.教育政策評估與分析
Week 6 Book2 Ch4大學經營文化創意產業園區之研究

Week 10 Giroux, H.A. (2009). Beyond the corporate takeover of higher education: Rethinking educational theory, pedagogy, and policy. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp.625-649. Boston, MA: Sense.

Week 7 Book 1, Ch6, Ch7. 教育政策指標與合法化

Week 8 Book 1, Ch8. 教育政策執行
Book 2, Ch14. 政策合法化之研究—以師資培育法制定為例

Week 9 期中考

Week 10新自由主義
Olssen, M. (2009). Neoliberalism, education, and the rise of a global common good. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp.433-457. Boston, MA: Sense. 2. Apple, M.A. (2009). Producing difference: Neoliberalsim, Neoconservatism, and the political of education reform. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp.625-649. Boston, MA: Sense.

Week 11 Book 2, Ch2. 我國十二年國民基本教育的發展條件
Book 2, Ch3. 台灣中小學海洋教育之評析

Week 12 Book 2, Ch5. 我國美感教育政策的擘劃與實踐:邁向協力共美
Book 2, Ch6.社會變遷中大學治理體系現代化之挑戰與策略

Week 13全球化與新自由主義
Torres C.A. & Heertum, R.V. (2009). Globalization and Neoliberalism. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp. 143-162.Boston, MA: Sense. 2. Lingard, B. & Rawolle, S.(2009). Rescaling and reconstituting education policy: The knowledge economy and the scalar politics of global fields. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp.205-219. Boston, MA: Sense.

Week 14 Book 2, Ch 9, 我國教育部組織再造分析與展望
Book 2, Ch12, 多元與差異:學校多元化管理的內涵與策略方向

Week 15 Book 2, Ch 11, 美國高等教育之遊說
Book 2, Ch 13, 國際化融入學校革新之願景和經營管理

Week 16 Book 2, Ch15, 價值與教育政策規劃之關係之初探
Book 2, Ch16, 程序正義的堅持—不續聘教師案例之適法性分析
Week 17 Ball, S.J. (2009). Education reform, teacher professionalism and the end of authenticity. In M. Simons, M. Olssen, & M.A. Peters(Eds.). Re-reading education policies, pp. 667-682. Boston, MA: Sense

Week 18 期末考—教育政策願景與反思