
At the end of this course, you should be able to:

l Understand the architecture of one of the most popular  

    microcontroller (Microcontroller Uint, MCU) families

l Use an integrated development environment (IDE) to program

    and debug an MCU

l Program an MCU using C language
l Understand and use peripherals integrated into an MCU
l Interface an MCU to simple external components
l Understand and use interrupts
l Use timers in various modes
l Communicate using a serial interface
l Understand and use analog to digital converters (ADC), digital to

    analog converters (DAC) and comparators


Text Books 

The 8051 Microcontroller: A Systems Approach, M. A. Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi, R. D. McKinlay, Int'l ed. Pearson Education, 2014. (全華圖書代理)


8051 Microcontroller Hardware, Software & Applications, V. Udayashankara, M. Mallikarjunaswamy, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2009.  

1. Introduction to control system
2. Course overview and 8051 architecture
3. The 8051 microcontrollers
4. 8051 keil C language programming
5. Multi-function learning expansion board overview
6. I/O port programming
7. System Clock
8. Timer operations and programming
9.  Interrupts programming
10. 8051 serial port programming
11. 8051 interfacing to external memory
12. DIP switch, push-button switch  and LCD  interfacing