
[Course Description]

  • This course will focus on introducing students how they can apply geographic information system technology to analyze target issues, such as problems related to natural resource management.
  • Topics covered include introduction to operate GIS software (e.g., QGIS & ArcGIS), identifying and understanding sources of spatial information and datasets, how to include GIS application into problem solving, its spatial analysis capabilities, and also other toolkits such as Google Earth may be introduced and used to aim the analysis.
[Course Objectives]

For general outcomes, students are expected to learn:

  • Identify data needs relating to target issues and appropriate processes in the context of a GIS project.
  • Formulate or assess a framework in spatial perspectives; then understand their applicability for problem solving.
  • Create maps as a form of visual communication according to cartographic principles.
  • Develop a reasonable executing plan and timelines that can lead to a desired project outcome.
  • Display recognition of the responsibility of adhering to ethical standards in decision‐making on behalf of clients and the public.
  • Interpret the analyzing findings and deliver a technical report that outlines problems and suggests potential solutions.

For specific outcomes, students are expected to deliver an individual final project in a context of GIS and/or spatial analysis and present results in a POSTER as professional practicum.


[Course Delivery]

  • This is an online, distant-learning and face-to-face hybrid course. However, online delivery instruction will be weighed more.
  • All class materials can be accessed through 興大iLearning. 興大iLearning may also be used to conduct parts of class assessments, to submit course assignments, to facilitate discussions, and to distribute announcements.
  • 興大iLearning can be accessed via興大NCHU iLearning Portal (https://lms.nchu.edu.tw/ ) or  NCHU Single Sign On System.
  • Teaching methods include:
    • Previewing and reviewing course materials.
    • Hand-on practicing on modules and completing relating assessments.
    • Developing a final project in a context of GIS applications and/or spatial analysis.
    • Bonus assignments or random quiz may be given when needed.
  • Office hours for Q&A are 2-5 pm, Wednesday afternoon and running by an open door, but appointment-preferred policy.
  • Students are also encouraged to schedule appointments with the instructor if office hours conflict with their schedule.


  • Basic knowledge of using computers, software installation, searching and collecting data/references online.
  • Basic English skills in communication.
  • Undergraduates with consent of the instructor.

[Academic Integrity, Fair Use, and Collaboration]

In this course there are two academic integrity issues that students should be particularly aware of:

  • Fair use: Students are expected to be familiar with the principles of fair use prevalent in academic life. A summary is as follows: students should give credit whenever they present the ideas of others, and should not attempt to pass off others ideas or words as their own.
  • Collaboration: Students are expected to complete both individual and collaborative projects as part of this course. It is essential that students complete individual assignments individually without discussing details of the writing assignment with members of your collaborative group.  Because I will be grading all of your writing assignments, it will be easy for the professor to detect if you are violating this expectation.


  • Class handouts and a list of assigned readings provided by the instructor through 興大iLearning.
  • Other supporting reference: Theobald, D. M. (2013). GIS Concepts and ArcGIS Methods : Basics & Advanced (5th ed.). Fort Collins, CO., U.S.A.: Conservation Planning Technologies.
  • Class Time: Thursday  9:10  am-12:10  pm  and  Online  section.
  • Office hours for Q&A: 2-5 pm, Wednesday afternoon and running by an open door, but appointment-preferred policy.
  • Students are also encouraged to schedule appointments with the instructor if office hours conflict with their schedule.
  • For any further questions regarding course contents, contact Dr. Chen at vchenclass@gmail.com or vickey@dragon.nchu.edu.tw
