為解決現存地球的環境問題,以環境生態變遷及永續發展為基礎的環境教育對目前世界地球村的每一個成員來說都格外地重要。本課程第一部分以環境永續發展、生態變遷、災害管理、環境倫理、環境教育實際例子、化學物質管理、ISO14000 系列應用等主題加以介紹。在第二部分輔之以環境影響評估之原理、發展歷程、程序與方法、國內外推動情況、居民參與協商及政策環評(Strategic Environmental Assessment)內涵等議題之整合,將其有系統地介紹給學生。
This course is designed to help students to acquire basic legal knowledge on climate change. It starts from introduction of climate science including climate change supporters and deniers. The review of regulations on UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement will be followed. After learning these fundamental knowledge of international climate treaties, the specific mitigation and adaptation policies and measures will be given to students fur further studies. This course will guide students to use comparative studies method to review different climate change policies and measures among the countries. After taking this course, students will have the ability to justify the effectiveness on the measures to against climate change impacts.
David B. Hunter, ect., Climate Change Laws, Foundation Press, 2009. 
第 1 週 課程介紹
第 2 週 環境生態與生物多樣性
第 3 週 環境教育與環境倫理的實踐
第 4 週 城鄉災害管理與永續發展
第 5 週 防災型社區之整體營造
第 6 週 ISO 系列與化學物質管理對環境的影響
第 7 週 環境影響評估與社會經濟發展
第 8 週 環境評估的發展理念與方法機制
第 9 週 環境議題TED TALK
第10週 綠色工業發展及其應用
第11週 綠色農業食品及清潔生產發展
第12週 環境資源與能源使用
第13週 碳足跡與碳標籤
第14週 認識綠色生活地圖製圖篇
第15~17週 分組專題報告(環境議題TED TALK)
第18週 環境議題TED TALK之探討期末報告
1.Week 1. Introduction of climate science.
2.Week 2. Introduction on text of the UNFCCC.
3.Week 3. Introduction on mitigation and adaptation regulations in UNFCCC.
4.Week 4. Introduction on Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.
5.Week 5. Capacity building guide lines on mitigation and adaptation.
6.Week 6. Case studies and review.
7.Week 7. Climate change and conventional energy.
8.Week 8. Climate change and renewable energy.
9.Week 9. Climate change and electricity industry.
10.Week 10. Climate change and sea level rising, sea ice melting.
11.Week 11. Climate change and water resources protection.
12.Week 12. Climate change and public health.
13.Week 13. Climate change and biological diversity.
14.Week 14. Climate change and Food security
15.Week 15. Climate change and nation security.
16.Week 16. Introduction on Taiwan’s mitigation policies and measures.
17.Week 17. Introduction on Taiwan’s GHG management and Reduction Act.
18.Week 18. Final Examination.