This year-long course is designed to enhance the listening and speaking skills of sophomore English majors in both daily life situations and academic contexts. Every week, the instructor will guide students through listening drills based on specific topics in the first session of the class. Students will then engage in a wide variety of speaking activities during the second session. These activities include group discussion and presentation, picture storytelling, role play and public debates.

Louise Lemieux, Listen Up! (Lynx publishing, 2004)
Online English Resources: BBC Six Minute English, In Our Time, Tedtalks, and Story Corps.
15% Class participation 
I will give points based on your speaking frequency during the in-class activities 

A 0-15 scale system is used. 
0 = didn’t speak 1-5 = spoke a few times 
6-10 = spoke regularly 11-15= talked a lot 

25& Quizzes (6 quizzes) 
10% attendance (attendance 10%) 
50% exams (25% Midterm, 25% Final)
Week 1 Introduction, What I did during the summer vacation, 
Week 2 Unite 1: ‘Small Talk’; 
Week 3 Quiz 1 BBC Six Minute English: ‘Reading the Classics? 
Week 4 Unit 2: ‘Personality Traits’: Describe an important person
Week 5 Quiz 2: Story Corps: Wally Funk and Mary Holsenbeck
Week 6 Quiz 3  Ted Talk: The Power of Introvert.  Unit 3:‘Go Shopping’ 
Week 7 Quiz 4: To R.P. Salazar, with Love
Week 8 (Mid-Term) Speaking test: shadowing project. 
Week 9 (Mid-Term) Listening test 
Week 10 Watching a Film 
Week 11 Quiz 5: 'Ronald Clark and Jamilah Clark' from Story Corps  
Week 12 BBC Six Minute English: 'Women's right to vote'
Week 13 Unit 4:  'Friends'; Quiz 7: Emma Watson's speech on gender equality 
Week 14 Unit 5 Dreams; Quiz 8: In Our Time: Utopia 
Week 15 Quiz 9: In Our Time: Animal Expriments and Rights  
Week 16 Unit 6: Quiz 19: The Philosophy of Love  
Week 17 (Final) Speaking Test 
Week 18 (Final) Listening Test 