Quantum project poster presentation 量子專題海報展示(cancelled due to campus closure)
  1. All group need to prepare a poster 所有組別需要準備1張海報
  2. The poster size is A1 海報尺寸為 A1
  3. All group must hand in your posters on iLearning 所有組別需要繳交海報至 iLearning
  4. The deadline will be notified  截止日期待定
  5. Out of deadline, You need print by yourself 超出截止日期,請自行列印
  6. The poster presentation hold on 6/18 (Fri.) 海報展示為 6/18 (五)
  7. All group need to present your poster 3 mins 所有小組需要解說海報3分鐘