後製 (After the Shoot)
  1. 編輯基礎知識:如何處理編輯。 (Editing basics: Editing seems easy, until you have to do it. Time consuming and tedious, we look at how to approach editing in this unit.)
  2. 蒙太奇清晰度:如何以一個要點的方式將您的鏡頭整合在一起。(Montage clarity: How to cut together your shots in a way that tells your main point is covered in this section.)
  3. 書擋:開始和結束留下重要印象。(Bookends: Starts and ends leave important impressions. Here we look at setting up these bookends.)
  4. 音樂:學習如何選擇合法的音樂並幫助您的視頻製作。 (Music: Problems of copyright are addressed in this section, where we learn how to choose music that is legal and helps your video.)