單元四:拍出點閱率(How to Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck)
  1. 焦點和框架:開始錄製(Focus & framing: Start your recording and your frame and focus is impacting your video. In this section we look at how to control these elements.)
  2. 射擊長度:場景由鏡頭組成,但在下一張照片之前應該有多久?(Shot length: Scenes are made up of shots, but how long should a shot be before the next shot? This section examines this question.)
  3. 燈光:從自然採光到攝影棚照明(Lighting: From natural lighting to studio lighting, this section covers how to get a clear shot in your production.)
  4. 多台攝像機:從一台到多台攝相機。(Multiple cameras: Taking production up a step involves multiple cameras. This unit introduces basic lighting techniques.)