The course covers marketing plan pre-work, with student generated marketing research and competitive marketing strategy & tactics observation. The course also includes:
  • Apply marketing principles and concepts learned in marketing management.
  • Develop and practice analysis skills and critical thinking in marketing strategies, decision making and integrating information. 
  • Develop comprehensive marketing plans. These plans will be focused and based on analysis of past performance and future opportunities.
  • Develop skills in running business meetings and making persuasive arguments
***先修課程: 消費者行為、貿易與行銷***
1. Students will be able to understand the purpose of marketing planning and the practice of marketing problem solving.
2. Students will be able to synthesize all aspects of marketing into the strategic marketing planning process.
3. Students will be able to present marketing planning rationale using proficient business communication techniques.
1. Handouts (mainly)
2. Reference book: Analysis for Marketing Planning (2007), Donald R. Lehmann and Russell S. Winer,7th edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin (This book focuses on the analysis needed for sound Marketing decisions and is structured around the core marketing document--the Marketing Plan. Whether studying Marketing strategy or Product/Brand Management decisions, students need to be able to make decisions based from sound analysis. This book does not attempt to cover all aspects of the marketing plan; rather it focuses on the analysis pertaining to a product’s environment, customers and competitors.)
Part1. 零售市場策略
    零售概論
    服務型零售商
    市場策略
Part2. 零售商經營前置工作
    零售立地條件評估與商圈調查
    市場環境與顧客需求分析
    零售位址
Part3. 設計的心理學
    設計與文案概念訓練
    品牌形象與知覺地圖
    動態賣場與商品視覺傳達
Part4. 個案習作
    活動規劃書
    品牌形象再造與市場定位規劃
    展店規劃書