  • 1.
    1/3 final exam
    Speaking test taker list and time:
    11:10  G2 Wensen
    11:15  G11 Tony
    11:20  G15 Vivi
    11:25  G17 Max
    11:30  G4 Eric
    11:35  G
    11:40  G
    11:45  G
    A. Reading test
    p. 20~21
    p. 28~29
    50 blanks in total
    1. on part of speech:
    a. The words/phrases will be scooped out from the articles.
    b. Their different parts of speech (= wrong parts of speech) will be listed in the test paper for you to choose from, change back to the correct parts of speech, and finally write in the blanks.
    2. on verb tense:
    The verbs won't be scooped out, but printed as (their basic forms) in the articles.
    B. Speaking test

    Q1. Lots of international news has pointed out that Chinese investment in foreign countries has begun to shift to Africa these years. Do research and talk about your findings.

    Q2. What are some more areas to improve in our college education in Taiwan?

    Q3. Share your opinions on SCD (sudden cardiac death) or karoshi.

    Answer a Q for 1.5 mins. without reading notes when taking the test.
    Your 1) content/ argument, 2) fluency/ intonation, and 3) stage presence will be evaluated during the test.
    • 2.
      course info
      All class info will be posted on i-learning, so do set up your email address here plz.
      Gogo's contact info
      Contact me only thru LINE please.
      My LINE ID:  gogosmokif
      Evaluation 評分方式
      1. motivation & participation 30%
      2. pretest 15% (at
      4:00~6:00 PM, 10/3 Thursday)
      3. two LiveABC high-intermediate level tests & assignments 25%
      4. midterm & final exams 30%
      5. You are allowed to be absent for 6 hours at most for any reasons this semester:

      Being late for over 30 min./leaving 30 min. early is seen as absenteeism.
      If you're absent for 7 hours, 7 points will be deducted from the semester score.
      If you're absent for 8 hours, 10 points will be deducted from the semester score.
      If you're absent for 9 hours, 15 points will be deducted from the semester score.
      If you're absent for 10 hours, 20 points will be deducted from the semester score, and so on.
      Young, Lisa and Josset, Danielle. Surpass 4. NE Build & Grow, 2018. (school bookstore discount price: NT$510)
      1. 請於 10/15~12/15 之間完成兩次不同回的 LiveABC 全民英檢 中高級
      2. 建議大家 10/14 之前(不計分)先去試試看! (語言中心五樓大概在第三週會設定好帳密)
      因為 10/15~12/15 做的 第一次測驗 就是各位的 LiveABC 成績.
      3. route:
      3-1. 連結至 LiveABC 英語學習系統
             預設帳密皆為 學生證號碼 (語言中心大概在第三週會設定好帳密)
      3-2. 英檢網
      3-3. 學生練習區
      3-4. 全民英檢 中高級 共 12 回, 請任選兩回
      3-5. 任一回的實際作答時間若少於規定的時間 -- 包含聽力作答時間 至少 20分鐘, 和閱讀作答時間 至少 25分鐘 -- 一律以0分計算!