
(中文) 毒理學主要探討化學性及物理性物質對生物體危害作用之科學,包括研究細胞、生化及分子作用機制。本課程將討論毒性物質暴露引起生物體內反應及危害之可能作用機制,並介紹毒性物質污染食物對人體及環境潛在危害風險性評估。

(English) Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemical or physical agents on living organisms. Toxicological research examines the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of action. Fundamental to this process is characterizing the relation of exposure (or dose) to the response. Risk assessment is the quantitative estimate of the potential effects on human health and environmental significance of various types of chemical exposures.

  1. Hayes' Principles and Methods of Toxicology, Sixth Edition 6th Edition, by A. Wallace Hayes (Editor), Claire L. Kruger (Editor) 2014
  2. Principles and Methods of Toxicology, Fifth Edition 5th Edition by A. Wallace Hayes (Editor) 2007
  3. Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, Eighth Edition by Curtis Klaassen 2013
Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology, Third Edition (Lange) by Curtis Klaassen 2015
  1. 毒理學的一般原則 (Principle of toxicology)
  2. 毒性作用機制 (Mechanisms of toxicity)
  3. 毒物吸收、分布和排泄 (absorption, distribution, and excretion of toxicants)
  4. 毒物生物轉化作用 (Biotransformation of xenobiotics)
  5. 影響毒性作用的因子 (The affected factors of toxicity)
  6. 毒性風險評估(Risk assessment)
  7. 化學物質致癌作用 (Chemical carcinogens)
  8. 基因毒性 (Genetic toxicity)
  9. 期中考
  10. 急性毒理試驗 (acute toxicity test)
  11. 慢性毒理試驗 (Chronic toxicity test)
  12. 致畸形及生殖毒理 (Teratogenicity and reproductive toxicity)
  13. 肝臟及腎臟毒理 (Toxic responses of the liver and kidney)
  14. 食品及添加物毒理 (Food and additive toxicology)
  15. 農業藥物毒性 (Toxic effects of pesticides)
  16. 金屬物質毒性 (Toxic effects of metals)
  17. 工業物質及環境污染物 (Toxic effects of industrial and environmental chemicals)
  18. 期末考