課程目標 | 1. 學習高品質 Verilog HDL 撰寫語法 2. 學習可邏輯合成 Verilog HDL 撰寫技巧 3. 學習數位矽智產(DIP)的設計流程,技轉事項與驗證技術 4. 學習數位矽智產(DIP)在系統晶片的整合設計技術 |
1. 教育部顧問室 「超大型積體電路與系統設計」教育改進計畫 DIP聯盟 教材. 2. S. Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall. 3. Michael D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL”, Prentice Hall. 4. http://www.xilinx.com |
課程綱要 | 1. Verilog HDL 2. DIP Synthesis 3. DIP Verification Guidelines 4. DIP Deliverable Guidelines 5. DIP Design with FPGA 6. AMBA Bus Architecture 7. HLS: Behavioural C-based Design and Synthesis 8. Advanced Topics for DIP Design |