
Course:                   Intermediate Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery (3374)

Instructor:             Dr. Jau-Liang Chen (P404)

Class Hour:           Wensday 2, (9:10~10:00); Thursday 3, 4 (10:10~12:00)

Classroom:            P103


The objective of this course is extension from last semester kinematics of machinery. It is intended to teach the students about the dynamics of machines. It will provide the foundation for the study of dynamics, balancing, engine dynamics, cam dynamics, and cam- and servo-driven mechanism.

Course Outline

  1. Dynamics Fundamentals
  2. Dynamic Force Analysis
  3. Balancing
  4. Engine Dynamics
  5. Multicylinder Engines
  6. Cam Dynamics
  7. Cam- and Servo-Driven Mechanism


  • Mid-term Test:                               40%
  • Final test:                                        40%
  • Homework & in class test:             20%

Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 2nd Edition in SI units, by R.L. Norton, McGraw-Hill Education (Asia), 2013. (東華書局代理)

第一週(9/10~9/14)  課程簡介
第二週(9/17~9/21)  MATLAB使用教學