Rapid changes in technology and job dynamics, along with the increasing importance of learning organizations in bio-industry, make training and development an increasingly important topic in human resources development. In this course, students will learn how to:
Rapid changes in technology and job dynamics, along with the increasing importance of learning organizations in bio-industry, make training and development an increasingly important topic in human resources development. In this course, students will learn how to:
- identify training and development needs through needs assessments,
- analyze jobs and tasks to determine training and development objectives,
- create appropriate training and development objectives,
- design effective training and development programs using different techniques or methods,
- use a variety a different training and development activities, and
- evaluate training and development programs.
- 出席狀況(含課堂作業與線上測驗),佔40%
- 課堂討論與報告,佔20%
- 期末測驗(課堂測驗),佔40%
- 簡貞玉譯(2007)。員工訓練與能力發展。台北:五南。
- 楊美玉(2016)。解析人力資源管理。台北:前程
- Noe, R. A. (2002). Employee Training and Development (2nd Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
- 陳沁怡編著(2003)。訓練與發展。台北:雙葉書廊。
- 張仁家(2005)。企業訓練與發展。台北:全華。
- Sharon S. Naquin and Elwood F. Holton (2003). Approaches to training and development. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Books Group.
- John P. Wilson (2005). Human resource development: Learning & training for individuals & organizations. Sterling, VA : Kogan Page.
- 生物產業人力發展所面臨的挑戰
- 員工訓練發展之於產業發展的重要性
- 策略性訓練及訓練部門的發展
- 訓練發展的意涵
- 訓練發展的相關理論
- 訓練需求評估
- 訓練發展技術與方法
- 訓練遷移
- 訓練評估
- 生涯發展與組織人力資源
- 員工訓練與能力發展之未來趨勢