  • 1.
    6/22 Qs
    1. last sexual fantasy
    2. last video watched, what about
    3. jungle, animal, why
    4. the most stupid
    5.                     annoying to u
    6. look in ur 30s
    7. super power
    8. aspect of tw u love
    9. 3 channels/utubers/vloggers
    10. aside from bedroom, where get laid
    • 2.
      LIVE ABC toeic result 3/15~5/31
      Dear All,
      Check your toeic result below and if there's any error, double-check with me in class 6/15 plz.
      The left column below shows the last 4 digits in ur student ID number.
      empty yellow column = updated 18/6/13:
      8128  no test taken
      3047  450
      3026  460
      3022  580
      • 3.
        英語畢業門檻 info

        1. 本次大一英文檢定測驗成績經英文教學規劃委員會各委員確認,訂定總分155()為本次通過成績,意即學生檢定測驗總分達155()即可通過本校「英文能力畢業標準」(英文畢業門檻)通過之學生不必另外申請英文畢業標準登錄,將由語言中心統一登錄。


        2. 為便於老師計算期末成績百分比,語言中心亦將測驗總分換算為100分為滿分之百分制。因檢定測驗成績學生最高得分為222分,故將100分作為其對照分數,又檢定測驗通過標準15560分為其對照分數,而檢定測驗成績最低分為48,以0分為其對照分數,並以相關比率計算將學生檢定測驗原始總分換算為百分制分數。


        3. 檢定測驗測驗未通過之學生,未來在學期間仍有以下措施可幫助其通過「英文能力畢業標準」:

        1.每學期寒假暑假第一週,學生皆可參與「校內英檢」考試 (備註:大一生不得報考)。近期測驗時間為:107/7/2~107/7/5未通過之大二以上學生可於近日至語言中心508辦公室詢問或上學校網站語言中心網站最新消息線上報名。





        • 4.
          Revised: final reading test 6/29
          reading test 10:10 ~ 11:10 AM, 6/29
          text1: They believe they can fly (p.43)
          text2: Night on a bare mountain (black & white p.30)
          • 5.
            final exam 6/29
            speaking exam starts at 11:20 AM 6/29
            11:20 Allen
            11:25 Ginta
            11:30 Celia
            11:35 Rainy
            11:40 Supply
            Q1. What is the widespread concern for your generation in Taiwan? What is that for your parents' generation?
            Q2. What are some best ways to establish diplomatic ties with other countries?
            Q3. How important is the workplace diversity?
            Answer any in 2 min., without reading notes.
            LINE Gogo (gogosmokif) by 6/15 if you decide to take the speaking test.
            • 6.
              通過分數 155!!
              沒通過的小朋友秀秀,繼續加油和問 Gogo 問題唷!❤💕💗
              • 7.
                6/20 storytelling
                Dear All,
                Read the article "Cultural Shock" by 6/20.
                You're free to join the class on 6/20 or not! It's up to you!
                If you want to win some participation points, prepare to talk about the gist of the article below.
                Gogo :)
                Cultural Shock
                When I first met Alexander and he said to me, in Russian, “Naleí mnye chai- pour me some tea,” I got angry and answered, “Pour it yourself.” Translated into English,
                without a Could you…? and a please, it sounded really rude to me. But in Russian it was fine. You do not have to add any polite words.

                However, when I took Alexander home to meet my parents, I had to give him an intensive course in pleases and thank yous (which he thought were completely unnecessary), and to teach him to say sorry even if someone else stepped on his toe, and to smile, smile, smile.

                Another thing that Alexander just could not understand was why people said things like, “Would you mind passing me the salt, please?” He said, “It is only the salt, for goodness sake! What do you say in English if you want a real favor? ” He also watched in amazement when, at a dinner party, we swallowed some really disgusting food and I said, “Mmm... delicious.” In Russia, people are much more direct. The first time Alexander’s mother came to our house for dinner in Moscow, she told me that my soup needed more seasoning. Afterward, when we argued about it, my husband said, “Do you prefer your dinner guests to lie?”
                Alexander complained that in England he felt “like the village idiot” because in Russia if you smile all the time, people think that you are crazy. In fact, this is exactly
                what my husband’s friends thought of me the first time I went to Russia because I smiled at everyone, and translated every please and thank you from English into

                At home we now have an agreement. If we are speaking Russian, he can say “Pour me some tea,” and just make a noise like a grunt when I give it to him. But when we are
                speaking English, he has to add a please, a thank you, and a smile.
                • 8.
                  Q129 arrangement 改編曲

                  the answer should be "program 節目單" because...


                  arrangement means 改編曲

                  noun [ C ] a piece of music that has had changesmade to it so that it can be played in a different way, especially by differentinstruments


                  This new arrangement of the piece is for saxophone and piano.
                  • 9.
                    3/14 class work
                    Dear All,
                    Decide if you want to take online LiveABC TOEIC or give a 5-min presentation before class.
                    If you choose the latter, draw the lot in class tomorrow to see the date for your presentation.
                    order of 5-min presentation

                    5/4  Becks

                    5/18  Coco

                    6/1  Ken

                    6/8  Supply


                    Gogo (LINE: gogosmokif)